NOTES FOR RUNNING THE EQUIPMENT RENTAL ORDER SYSTEM DEMO by ProgRes (Programming Resources) This program is currently run under DOS (version 3.3 and later) and provides for full general ledger accounting and accounts receivable tracking when linked to the SBT Vision Point(C) series accounting package. Please note that examples of DOS commands that you type are placed in quotes. The quotes are used to show what you should type. Do not use the quotes when actually entering the DOS commands! To ensure proper operation of the demo please verify that your computer is set up to allow at least 96 open files. To do this type... "TYPE C:\CONFIG.SYS" at your command prompt. You should see a line that has something like "FILES=48". If the line is not there then you must add a line to your CONFIG.SYS file. If the number is less than 96 you must change it. To change it, you may use the EDIT (or EDLIN for older versions of DOS) text editor. To change or add the line, type... "EDIT C:\CONFIG.SYS" at the command prompt. For more information on how to use your editor please refer to your system manuals. *** NOTE: IMPROPER CHANGES TO YOUR CONFIG.SYS FILE MAY PREVENT YOU *** *** FROM ACCESSING YOUR COMPUTER. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE THAT *** *** OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING YOU MUST SEEK COMPETENT HELP! *** *** WE WILL BE HAPPY TO ASSIST YOU IN CHANGING YOUR FILE, *** *** HOWEVER, SINCE WE CANNOT SEE YOUR COMPUTER WITHOUT A *** *** REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS PACKAGE, WE CANNOT BE HELD *** *** RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROBLEMS THAT MAY OCCUR. *** For automatic installation... 1) Go to a DOS prompt 2) Select the "A:" drive (or whichever drive is your 3 1/2" drive) 3) Type "INSTALL x: y:" where "x" is your source drive and "y" is the target drive. For example -> "INSTALL A: C:" will install the demo to your "C:" drive and create a directory called RODEMO from your "A:" drive For manual installation to your "C:" drive... 1) Create a separate directory for the demo For example -> "MD C:\RODEMO" 2) Go the drive and directory that has the "ROINST.EXE" file 3) Type "ROINST C:\RODEMO" 4) Type "C:" 5) Type "CD\RODEMO" 4) Type "COPY RO.BAT C:\" By performing either the automatic or manual installations, you may now start the demo by simply typing "RO" provided that "C:\" is in your path. ****************************************************************************** If you encounter any problems with this demo please call us at (770) 418-9313 or send us email at LAL5858@AOL.COM We look forward to your questions and comments. Thank you for your interest!